Fancy The Second
It would be lazy of me, wouldn't it, if I were simply to post a weblink with an exclamation mark?
Black boys separate classes plan!
It couldn't be made up and there is little I can add. Life and nature and the whole universe is soaked and steeped with irony more dense than neutronium. In what sense of the term incompatible do the architects of liberal society find so hard to understand. Equality isn't a commodity that be manufactured by legislation; I doubt, frankly that it can be achieved, directly, by education either. Even that greatest of the bêtes noir of the hackney-weary: "human nature" can only be seen cynically as ultimately resistent to dreary uniformity. I say that the wishy-washy twentieth century illiberal experimentation on societies in the name of liberalism had, continues to have and always will have, fuck all to do with anything. So long as we are different enough from another we will continue to tend to fall out and that the scale of the conflicts will range from civilly warm debate thru face slapping to dropping black holes into some poor bastard's sun.
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